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Spin away and Wu XÃng!
Master the laws of nature by controlling the elements! Teleport into the astral dimension and choose to control Huô (fire), Shuî (water) or Tû (earth). Use your special powers to atomise or fuse your element and create the perfect sequence of five.
Xing is a game of strategy and problem solving where players are the masters of a single element. They must use the language of the universe - Math - to tactically position their elements in a sequence to gain victory. They can also use their element powers to control the destiny of others by preventing their sequences from completing.
Spin, pick a card and solve the question to find your position(s) on the board. Place your element token using strategy and planning. Master basic concepts of factors and multiples and gain critical thinking skills in this epic battle of minds!
The winner of the battle of elements restores balance to our chaotic universe!